Thursday, May 24, 2012

Avenger's Assemble!

Hello, readers! We're really sorry we haven't updated like we promised we would but we've become obsessed with this movie you may have heard of called "The Avengers" (and technically "The Avengers" is a Disney movie so we can write about it here.)  Anyway, it all started so innocently,  just a small curiosity about an up and coming film - but then we saw it one morning in IMAX 3D and sadly that was the beginning of the end. As you can gather from the pictures below things escalated very quickly. 

We saw it once...
See how normal we looked in the beginning?  

We saw it twice... 

We ended up seeing the movie FIVE TIMES.  Five times in ten days.   You think that's bad, then we unwisely decided to take a trip to the local Toys R Us and found ALL the things.  The rest of the pictures all take place within a twelve hour span.  

Yep, bought these.

So at Toys R Us we found Avengers movie trading cards and decided we each needed a complete set.  How reasonable.  We got binders, decorated the covers with stickers that we bought at Barnes and Noble, bought card sleeves for our cards, and finished off by putting a few pages in with Avengers MASH,  Favorite Avengers moments, and a printed off list of all the cards so we could mark them off as we got them.  

This is probably half of the cards that we ended
up getting over 3 days.

Oh yeah, and we got Avengers collectible Dr. Pepper cans at WalMart.

Watching Romy and Michelle while putting
our binders together!
Our completed binders!  Ignore Bella's head at the bottom of the picture.
We're each only missing one card from the set.  

So long story short our lives have been consumed by everything Avengers.  It's SO sad.  We've collected mini figurines, posters, puzzles, t shirts, stickers, cards - we've read/watched all the interviews and behind the scenes... it's been very time consuming.  

We're ashamed... but not really.  

So that's what we've been up to.  Then Princess Sparkle had jury duty and Princess Glitter had to go back to St. Louis so we haven't had a chance to focus on the blog.  BUT.  We promise we are working on it tonight!!  We're currently in the process of reviewing "Beauty and the Beast", one of our favorites, and we're finishing up the Disney Princess Hunger Games. We're getting back on track so stay tuned!


  1. OH MY GOD I LOVE THE AVENGERS!!!! I've only seen it save my wallet. But just omg I can't get enough of that movie. It's so GOOD and AMAZING and filled with so many attractive people! (waitwhat?) haha sorry had to put in my two cents :)

    Iron Man is my favorite!!!

    1. Seriously!! We're so glad we're not the only ones! Every time we saw it, it just got better and better. We could probably quote the whole movie which is just sad, lol. Our favorites are Loki and Captain America! They're both hilarious to us. Loki because he's a diva and Captain America because he's so self-righteous. Just typing this makes us want to see it again!!

    2. Gah I know exactly what you mean!! When I saw it the second time I was just sitting there thinking, "I don't think this movie could ever get...boring. Or bad." I could probably watch it ten million times in a row and still enjoy it. It's incredible. Loki and Captain America are great! I love Iron Man because he's so sarcastic and witty, and just doesn't care about anything haha. It's great :) Gahh this is making me want to see it again too!!!

  2. There's a chance you're eligible to get a free $200 Walmart Gift Card.
